Attorney Mike Smith is the President of HSLDA, an organization that he helped found in 1983. Established to protect the right of parents to teach their children at home, HSLDA now represents over 80,000 member families. Mike and his wife Elizabeth began homeschooling their children in 1981. He has been defending families for 28 years. Mike has been speaking to homeschool audiences for 23 years. His columns on home education appear regularly in the Washington Times, and he has been a guest on numerous television and radio programs, including Focus on the Family with Jim Dobson and Hannity and Colmes on Fox News. He believes that there is a revival taking place in America through the homeschool movement and that, through the second and third generation of homeschoolers, there is great potential to return America to its moral and religious foundation.
Mock Trial, Challenge B’s Capstone
What’s a “capstone event”? What’s a “Mock Trial”? Inquiring minds want to know, and answers are just a listen away. Join Lisa as Academic Advisor Emily Martin provides the “why” “what” and “how” of Challenge B’s Mock Trial…