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Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

Grant Collins

EE Myth Busters Hit It Hard and Move On

Do you sometimes feel that you have so much to cover as a home educator that you can’t afford to repeat anything?  Join Lisa Bailey and her guest, Lanelle Lowe, as they talk about this common myth and how a thorough understanding of the…

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EE Myth Busters Classical Education is for Elites

Have you ever bought into a myth because “everybody says so”?  Lots of misguided folks believe that classical education is just for smart kids; or even that classical education makes kids smart.  Join Lisa and her guest Chelly Barnard as…

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EE Lessons From Down the Road: Lead Learning

Are you ready, willing, and able to become the Lead Learner in your home?  Maybe you are ready, but you’ve bought into a lie that says you’re not able.  Maybe you’re willing, but you don’t know how to start.  This week’s…

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