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Grant Collins

EE: The Abolition of Man Part 2

Marc Hays and Daniel Shirley continue their conversation about The Abolition of Man by C. S. Lewis. Covering the first half of the second essay “The Way”, Marc and Daniel discuss Lewis’s “Innovators” and the “Tao”.

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EE: The Abolition of Man Part 1

In this first episode of a four-part series, Marc Hays and Daniel Shirley delve into the first Essay of C.S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man discussing ideas like the head, heart, and appetites and what it means to inculcate proper sentiment in students.

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EE: Parent Resources

Join Daniel Shirley and Heather Shirley as they discuss the Parent Resources on pages 68-69 of the 2020 Classical Conversations Catalog. Learn how each of these well-chosen books can inform and enrich parents’ homeschool journey across each…

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EE: Five Canons of Rhetoric – Delivery

Just how important is the canon of Delivery?  What are the elements that will help us move an audience?  How can we help our students overcome a possible reluctance to present?  If you’ve wondered about these questions, or even…

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EE: Five Canons of Rhetoric – Memory

Is the Canon of Memory more than just memorizing a speech?  Join podcasters Lisa Bailey, Jennifer Courtney, and Brittany Lewis as they probe this canon more deeply!  You’ll discover that Memory blesses as it allow students to focus on…

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EE: Five Canons of Rhetoric – Elocution

If you are ready to explore ways to be memorable and moving with your communication, join Lisa Bailey, Jennifer Courtney, and Brittany Lewis as they think about the canon of Elocution.  Discover how the style of our communication should…

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EE: Five Canons of Rhetoric – Arrangement

In the second of our podcasts on the Five Canons of Rhetoric, our team discusses “Arrangement” and how this canon leads us to organize our thoughts, to love our neighbor, and to become clearer thinkers.  With insights gleaned from years of…

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EE: Five Canons of Rhetoric – Invention

As classical, Christian educators, we are interested in finding the truth and communicating that truth well!  An ancient tool can help us achieve that goal; join Lisa Bailey, Brittany Lewis, and Jennifer Courtney as they begin to explore the 5…

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