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Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

Grant Collins

CCP Book Club: The Scarlet Letter

Join some of our homeschool experts and Classical Conversations parents, as we explore the themes from one of our favorite Challenge I books, The Scarlet Letter. Pick the book up at the today! 

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L@L: Dr. Gene Edward Veith (2010)

Enjoy some of our older archived podcasts where Leigh Bortins interviews different guests. In this episode Leigh interviews Dr. Gene Edward Veith, Jr., an Alliance Council member and Provost and Professor of Literature at Patrick Henry College. The…

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CCP Book Club: Carry On Mr. Bowditch

Join some of our homeschool experts and Classical Conversations parents, as we explore the themes from one of our favorite Challenge A books, Carry on Mr. Bowditch. Pick the book up at the today! 

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L@L: Mike Huckabee

Enjoy some of our older archived podcasts where Leigh Bortins interviews different guests. In this episode Leigh interviews former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee. The episode is from 2008.

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