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Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

CC Events

EE Hey, I LOVE Practicum!

What’s the big deal about Practicum?  Find out this week on the Everyday Educator Podcast as host Lisa Bailey and guest Jill Philbrick explore what Practicum is, who should come, what attendees should expect, and how to get the most out of…

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EE A Window Into Challenge

Families, are you up for a Challenge?  Many parents and students wrestle with the idea of homeschooling through high school, wondering if they are up to it, wondering if it is a good fit for their family, wondering if the Challenge years really…

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EE Protocol – More than Good Manners

What in the world is “Protocol”?  Is it really worth all the time and money?  In this episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast, guest Sonya Lindsey invites us to see Protocol as a way to love our neighbor well—whoever he might be, and…

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EE The Glories of Science Fair

If you’ve been wondering how to survive the Science Fair, this episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast is for you!  Join host Lisa Bailey and guest Veronica Boulden as they talk about how to thrive during this project, discovering how to…

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EE Celebrate Summer Explorers Camp

Looking for a way to “celebrate summer” with your family this year?  Become Explorers!  On this episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast,  Jeremiah Wentz and Delise Germond introduce us to CC’s Explorers Camp, and help us see how…

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EE: Practicum At Home

Practicum-at-home:  cause for mourning or reason to celebrate?  The answer might surprise you!  While we all miss our community and the exhilaration of being together, Cultivating the Conversation:  The Art of Exposition is…

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