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Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

How to Homeschool

Simply Advent: Read Together

This week’s Simplify Advent podcast centers around reading together.  Listen as veteran homeschool dad and ardent reader Tim Knotts shares some great ideas for Advent family reading.  Tim and Lisa offer some great hows and whys of family…

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Seasoned for a Reason, Part 2

Wish you could talk to an experienced homeschooler, just to ask a few questions?  Wondering if your thoughts, reactions, and questions are “normal”?  Join Lisa and her guest Melissa Ellison for this week’s episode and you’ll hear the…

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Seasoned for a Reason, Part 1

Wish you could talk to an experienced homeschooler, just to ask a few questions?  Wondering if your thoughts, reactions, and questions are “normal”?  Join Lisa and her guest Melissa Ellison for this week’s episode and you’ll hear the…

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For Your Scribbler—and Beyond, Part 2

Why would families with OLDER students want Scribblers?  Just ask some who have tried it out!  Scribblers helps families chart the course for homeschooling, but it also helps create a family culture of learning that lasts.  Parents are…

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For Your Scribbler—and Beyond!

Whether you’re considering the possibility of homeschooling or wondering how to add some zest to what you’re already doing, this episode of the Everyday Educator is for you.  Join Lisa and guest KatieBeth Pierson as they discuss lessons…

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What’s My Family’s Mission?

If you’ve been considering writing out your family’s mission statement—or wondering if you need one—this week’s Everyday Educator episode is for you.  Host Lisa and guest Kelli Wilt come clean about their lack of such a statement in the…

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Educating Yourself with Heatherly Sylvia

Homeschooling…it’s not just for your kids!  Have you ever thought about homeschooling as the beginning of educating yourself?  If you have questions about “educating yourself”, this episode of EE is for you.  Guest Heatherly…

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Putting on Your “Wonder Hat”

God is wooing us to Himself with the wonder and beauty in His world. When we chase the wonder in creation, we draw near to the creator and find what He is waiting for us to discover.  Listen this week as guest Amy Jones describes how a classical,…

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