
Discover the Conversations

Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

How to Homeschool

Finding Your Rhythm

Searching for the right schedule to regulate your homeschool days this year?  You probably suspect that finding the perfect schedule might be impossible…but finding the right rhythm is exactly what Lisa’s guest Jennifer Courtney is ready to…

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Life Skills for All of Us

What do you want to teach your children while you homeschool—besides reading, writing, and arithmetic?  What “life skills” are you determined to pass on—and how compatible is teaching those skills with your classical, Christian education…

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Scribblers for All of Us

What makes Scribblers At Home:  Recipes From Lifelong Learners such a “must-have” resource?  Who might want it?  Who might benefit the most?  Why are we so excited??  Listen in as Lisa and Shelly Stockton reminisce about…

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Earning a Master’s While Lead Learning

If you’ve got questions about the CC Masters Program, you will find answers on this week’s podcast with Lynn Doto.  Maybe you’ve wondered how anyone could find time for extra studying; perhaps you question why you “need” a degree to…

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Now That Foundations Has Ended…

Community days are ending for the year….but that doesn’t mean the learning is done!  Join veteran homeschool mom Denise McLain for some tips on how to keep the family learning together!  Denise and Lisa share some ideas for learning some…

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Making Memories

What are your most memorable homeschooling moments?  What do you want your children to remember about your home and the learning you do together?  Join Lisa today as she talks to Chelly Barnard about the best ways to cultivate the memories…

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The Purpose of Education

Have you ever asked yourself this question:  “Why should I consider homeschooling?”  The purpose we assign to education will often answer the question for us!  But…are we practicing what we preach?  How can we practically…

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