
Discover the Conversations

Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

How to Homeschool

The Purpose of Education

Have you ever asked yourself this question:  “Why should I consider homeschooling?”  The purpose we assign to education will often answer the question for us!  But…are we practicing what we preach?  How can we practically…

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My CC Story – Internationally Speaking

Here in the winter months, after the fun of the holidays, the homeschool days can seem looooong.  It is easy to forget that we are not alone on this journey!  We all have a CC story to share, and hearing about someone else’s journey feeds…

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Family Learning – Here’s a Way!

Building a family learning culture is one of the most satisfying aspects of homeschooling.  When your family learns together, you are making memories, and binding your hearts together!  On this episode of the Everyday Educator, Lisa talks…

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Schedules for Real Life

As the reality of a new homeschool year settles in, parents everywhere are thinking about how to get it all done with all the people they have to shepherd.  Looking for some words of wisdom here?  Listen as guest Kamilah Carter, veteran mom…

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EE Dads are Lead Learners Too

How can we celebrate fathers this season?  By recognizing that dads are Lead Learners, too!  If you are wondering how to make that true in your home, listen in as Tim Knotts gives some pointers and shares some wisdom from his own journey as…

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EE A Window Into Challenge

Families, are you up for a Challenge?  Many parents and students wrestle with the idea of homeschooling through high school, wondering if they are up to it, wondering if it is a good fit for their family, wondering if the Challenge years really…

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