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Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

Practical Tips

EE: We Believe So We Build Community

Have you ever wondered why “community” is emphasized by classical, Christian educators?  At CC, we believe we were created for community–to support one another, teach one another, encourage one another–to do life together!  Listen in…

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EE: We Believe So We Prepare to Discover

How does what you believe impact what you do? At Classical Conversations, we understand that what we believe drives what we do, educationally!  Join us for this first episode of a new series, “We Believe…So We…”, and think…

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EE: Academic Orientation Training Tips

In this episode, Daniel Shirley, homeschool graduate and Challenge IV tutor, talks with long time homeschooling moms and CC leaders: Amanda Butler, Academic Director, and Heather Shirley, Academic Officer, about new training opportunities for licensed…

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EE: Homeschool Dad Discussion-Playing Together

Marc Hays and Timothy Knotts discuss homeschooling from a dad’s perspective and continue the conversation about activities we enjoy with our children where no books are involved whether inside, outside, near our homes or far away. Timothy currently…

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EE: Homeschool Dad Discussion-Reading Together

Marc Hays and Timothy Knotts discuss homeschooling from a dad’s perspective and begin the conversation about books we are reading aloud, have read aloud, and want to read aloud with our children. Timothy currently serves as the president of The…

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EE: Five Canons of Rhetoric – Delivery

Just how important is the canon of Delivery?  What are the elements that will help us move an audience?  How can we help our students overcome a possible reluctance to present?  If you’ve wondered about these questions, or even…

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