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Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

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EE Dads are Lead Learners Too

How can we celebrate fathers this season?  By recognizing that dads are Lead Learners, too!  If you are wondering how to make that true in your home, listen in as Tim Knotts gives some pointers and shares some wisdom from his own journey as…

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EE A Parent’s Window Into Challenge

Families who are considering Challenge programs for the first time or for another year, I have a game-changer for you!  On this episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast, veteran Challenge director Heatherly Sylvia offers us her “7 things…

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EE A Window Into Challenge

Families, are you up for a Challenge?  Many parents and students wrestle with the idea of homeschooling through high school, wondering if they are up to it, wondering if it is a good fit for their family, wondering if the Challenge years really…

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EE Protocol – More than Good Manners

What in the world is “Protocol”?  Is it really worth all the time and money?  In this episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast, guest Sonya Lindsey invites us to see Protocol as a way to love our neighbor well—whoever he might be, and…

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EE Celebrating Easter as a Family

How does your family celebrate the Holy season of Easter?  Are you looking for some fresh ways to approach the reality of Easter with your children?  Listen in as host Lisa Bailey and her husband, David, talk about connecting with the heart…

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EE The Challenge to Finish Strong

The Challenge program is designed to keep students stretching and growing as thinkers…but when springtime comes, finishing the semester strong seems like the greatest challenge of all! Join Lisa and guest Chelly Barnard for some practical tips and…

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