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Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

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EE Celebrate Summer: Restful Zest

Summer gives us time to enjoy family traditions as well as embrace summer surprises!  If you are looking for ways to make every day a celebration, tune in to this episode of the Everyday Educator and grab one some suggestions from Amy…

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EE Celebrate Summer: Family Fun

Summer is almost here, and your family is likely ready to celebrate!  On this edition of the Everyday Educator Podcast, Delise Germond and Chelly Barnard regale our host with ideas that draw families together, celebrate simple pleasures, and…

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EE Celebrate Summer Explorers Camp

Looking for a way to “celebrate summer” with your family this year?  Become Explorers!  On this episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast,  Jeremiah Wentz and Delise Germond introduce us to CC’s Explorers Camp, and help us see how…

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EE What is Academic Orientation?

In this episode, Daniel Shirley, homeschool graduate and Challenge IV tutor, talks with long-time homeschooling moms and CC leaders: Amanda Butler, Academic Director, and Heather Shirley, Academic Officer, about new training opportunities for licensed…

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EE Celebrate Summer READ Ancient World Echoes

Everybody loves a good story, and we have a new collection to tell you about.  Join the Everyday Educator podcast this week as Jennifer Courtney tells us why these “ancient stories” are so timely for your family!  You’ll also discover…

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