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Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

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EE Keeping Science Lively The Conversation Ch 6

If you are missing the delight your children took in science explorations as little kids, take a listen to how we can keep the wonder and delight in this study, even as our students head into high school.  Join Leslie Hubbard and Amy Jones as…

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EE Writing Woes and Wins The Conversation Ch 5

Do you or your student dread writing or do you embrace it excitedly? Join Jennifer Courtney and Stephanie Meter as they discuss writing across the curriculum—in literature, history, and science. Together, they explore how the five canons of rhetoric…

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EE Defining Rhetoric The Conversation Ch 2

For parents looking toward the high school years, the Everyday Educator Podcast offers “Defining Rhetoric” The Conversation Ch 2, a look at how moving into the arts of Rhetoric can bind your hearts together at home and make those high school years…

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EE How to Develop Confidence as a Homeschooler

Do you yearn to develop or strengthen your confidence as a homeschooler? Are you determined to redeem the Art of Rhetoric, and become an accomplished conversationalist who leads discussion on meaningful ideas?  Whether you’re looking for a…

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EE Advent The Gift of Celebration

In this final Advent episode, join Lisa Bailey in re-examining the journey of the Wise Men; consider the gift of Celebration, and how and why we are called to celebrate this season.  Find encouragement to slow down and allow God’s wonder to…

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