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Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

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EE Advent The Gift of Wonder

What makes you wonder? What leaves you speechless?  Has wonder ever moved you to change?  Join Lisa Bailey on this Advent podcast considering the Gift of Wonder; learn from the shepherds’ response how to make room for wonder in your…

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EE Advent The Gift of Listening

Listen in on this second episode of our Advent series as Lisa Bailey and her husband David explore the gift of listening.  How did the gift of listening position Joseph for blessing? How can listening deepen your celebration of Christmas…

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EE Advent The Gift of Attending

Merry Christmas!  All December the Everyday Educator podcasts will center on Advent, with devotional thoughts suitable for the whole family, and some ideas you can use for deeper reflections.   This month we’ll focus on the gifts of…

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EE Finding Beauty The Question Ch 11

I know that we all are determined to be “the best teachers” for our kids, and we eagerly (at least usually!) join them in learning/re-learning literature, math, science, history…all the “main subjects” we’ve come to think of as…

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EE Connecting the Dots The Question Ch 9

Are you worried about “studying history” with your students as they get older—especially if youdon’t know all the history details that they know?!  The good news is, studying history doesn’t have to be complicated!  Join…

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EE Resistance Training The Question Ch 8

Have you noticed how argumentative your middle schooler can be? Wondering how to harness and channel this proclivity for good?  We suggest logic studies!  Join Lisa Bailey and Stephanie Meter as they advocate for studying logic with…

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EE Why ‘Where’ Matters The Question Ch 7

What IS the value of a “mental map of the world”?  Does “where” really matter to our students?  Whether you’re searching for the reason to study geography or looking for new ways to learn cartography, you’ll find fresh…

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EE Making Math Count The Question Ch 6

What if teaching math could bring your family closer?  Would you like to know how to “play with numbers” instead of only “solving problems”? Listen in as Lisa Bailey, Marc Hays, and Leslie Hubbard talk about math explorations at home…

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