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Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

How to Homeschool

EE: Moving On Up! The Challenge IV Program

You’ve come to the last stop on the educational journey, senior year of high school!  Is Challenge IV right for your family?  Listen in as Brittany Lewis and Lisa Bailey, veteran homeschoolers and CC directors, describe this crown jewel of…

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EE: Academic Orientation Training Tips

In this episode, Daniel Shirley, homeschool graduate and Challenge IV tutor, talks with long time homeschooling moms and CC leaders: Amanda Butler, Academic Director, and Heather Shirley, Academic Officer, about new training opportunities for licensed…

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EE: Homeschool Dad Discussion-Playing Together

Marc Hays and Timothy Knotts discuss homeschooling from a dad’s perspective and continue the conversation about activities we enjoy with our children where no books are involved whether inside, outside, near our homes or far away. Timothy currently…

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EE: Homeschool Dad Discussion-Reading Together

Marc Hays and Timothy Knotts discuss homeschooling from a dad’s perspective and begin the conversation about books we are reading aloud, have read aloud, and want to read aloud with our children. Timothy currently serves as the president of The…

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EE: Moving On Up! Scribblers

Catch this new series, “Moving On Up!”, designed to highlight Classical Conversations’ offerings for the whole family.  In this first episode, join host Lisa Bailey and guests Holly Morales and Jennifer Courtney as they uncover the gems in…

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EE: Parent Resources

Join Daniel Shirley and Heather Shirley as they discuss the Parent Resources on pages 68-69 of the 2020 Classical Conversations Catalog. Learn how each of these well-chosen books can inform and enrich parents’ homeschool journey across each…

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EE: Five Canons of Rhetoric – Invention

As classical, Christian educators, we are interested in finding the truth and communicating that truth well!  An ancient tool can help us achieve that goal; join Lisa Bailey, Brittany Lewis, and Jennifer Courtney as they begin to explore the 5…

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EE: The Habit of Storytelling

Join Lisa Bailey, Jennifer Courtney, and Kelli Wilt as they finish the series on the Five Core Habits by waxing eloquent on the Habit of Storytelling! Listen as they discuss the ways to encourage beginning storytelling, and how to coax reluctant…

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