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Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

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EE: So You’re Gonna Homeschool

Are you still wrestling with your decision about homeschooling for this fall?  Sometimes it can seem like you don’t know what you don’t know!  Join veteran homeschoolers Jennifer Courtney and Lisa Bailey as they share the questions they…

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EE: Come Play in the Sandbox

Families looking for a buffet of resources to enliven their homeschool journey are loving two new e-zines from Classical Conversations!  The Sandbox and Onward have recently debuted to rave reviews, and a sneak peek inside these two…

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EE: We Believe So We Reach For the Future

How does a classical, Christian education lead to virtue?  Can you even TEACH virtue?!  As you ponder the home-centered education you are designing for your family, consider the place that Truth holds.  Join Lisa Bailey, Melisa Weaver,…

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EE: We Believe So We Keep Learning

What are the benefits to children when parents keep learning?  How can we hope to give our children a better education at home than the one we received?  Glean some keen insights and some reproducible ideas from Leigh Bortins, Jennifer…

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EE: We Believe So We Build Community

Have you ever wondered why “community” is emphasized by classical, Christian educators?  At CC, we believe we were created for community–to support one another, teach one another, encourage one another–to do life together!  Listen in…

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EE: We Believe So We Prepare to Discover

How does what you believe impact what you do? At Classical Conversations, we understand that what we believe drives what we do, educationally!  Join us for this first episode of a new series, “We Believe…So We…”, and think…

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EE: Practicum At Home

Practicum-at-home:  cause for mourning or reason to celebrate?  The answer might surprise you!  While we all miss our community and the exhilaration of being together, Cultivating the Conversation:  The Art of Exposition is…

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