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Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

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EE: The Habit of Attending

Join Jennifer Courtney, Kelli Wilt, and Lisa Bailey as they continue to discuss the value of Core Habits for our families.  Today they will delve into the beauty of the habit of Attending! Learn how to cultivate this natural habit with your…

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EE: The Habit of Naming

In this episode, join Lisa Bailey, Kelli Wilt and Jennifer Courtney as they discuss the core habit of naming. They will define naming and discuss how naming is a tool of learning for everyone from preschoolers to parents. Learn how naming allows us to…

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EE: All About Analogies For All of Us

Join Lisa Bailey and Marc Hays as they discuss analogies, curriculum development, frog dissection, and epic sonnets. Marc is the author of the new resource, Analogies For All of Us, which is being used in the Reasoning Strand of Challenge A this…

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CCMM Norms & Nobility Chapter 8 Part 3

 Join thinkers and readers Jennifer Courtney….as they continue to discuss David Hick’s Norms and Nobility, Chapter 8 Part 3. In section IV, they wrestle with the modern outcome of “values free education”, one that Hicks declares to be both…

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EE: Benefits of Foundations & Essentials

Have you ever pondered the benefits of Foundations and Essentials, both the obvious and the not-so-obvious?  Join Foundations parent Marc Hays, parent and Director Jaime Hays, and former student/current Challenge Director Stephanie Meter as…

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CCMM Norms & Nobility Chapter 8 Part 2

Are classical education and Christian education opposed to one another? Join Lisa Bailey, Jennifer Courtney, Marc Hays, and Daniel Shirley as they explore how Christianity actually fulfills the classical quest to unite knowledge and responsibility….

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CCMM Norms & Nobility Chapter 8 Part 1

In Chapter 8, David Hicks looks at “The Promise of Christian Paideia.” In this chapter, his discussion of classical education shifts from the ancient Greeks to the era of Christian education. In this episode, our panelists consider sections 1 and…

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CCMM Norms & Nobility Chapter 7 Part 2

Why does anyone in a democracy need a classical education anyway? In this episode, Marc Hays, Lisa Bailey, and Jennifer Courtney finish up their discussion of Chapter 7. They consider four objectives of a classical education in a democracy and apply…

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CCMM Norms & Nobility Chapter 7 Part 1

In this episode, our panelists ask some really important questions about classical education. Is classical education elitist or is it for everyone? Is classical education a good form of education for a modern, technologically advanced society? Is…

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