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Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.

How to Homeschool

Lessons from the Rearview Mirror

As the new academic year begins, we offer families some encouragement from a couple of moms who may be farther along the journey than you are now.  Join Lisa and guest Kelli Wilt as they share the lessons that a look in the rearview mirror has…

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Building a Family Library

What’s the best thing to do as you begin to homeschool?  Start your own library!  How to begin, what to include, when to share your books, where to keep all those books??  Listen as self-professed “Keeper of the Books” Jennifer…

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Latin and Other Lessons

You likely know all the academic reasons to study Latin alongside your kids; but, do you know the best one?  Listen this week as homeschool mom, Support Representative and Latin student Heatherly Sylvia offers some thought-provoking (and…

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Memorizing Tips and Tricks for Families

Are you amazed by what your Foundations students memorize every year?  Do you wonder if you could “do it too??”  On this episode of Everyday Educator Kelli Wilt and Elise DeYoung offer tips and tricks for memorizing, gleaned from rubbing…

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Scribblers is For Everyone!

Guess what?  Scribblers At Home won the Illuminations Gold Award!  Maybe you haven’t heard much about Scribblers, or maybe you thought it wasn’t really for your family.  Listen in as Amy Jones helps us see that Scribblers isn’t…

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Assessing the Year by Celebrating the Student

Have you struggled with end of the year assessments in the past, wondering what good they do and how to go about them?  Have you wondered what assessment and celebration have in common??  Listen in as Lisa and guest Jill Philbrick discuss…

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Celebrating Milestones the Classical Way

As we enter this season of finishing and ending (Faces of History, Mock Trial, Graduation!) your family is likely looking for ways to celebrate the accomplishments of the year.  This week, guest Kelli Wilt and host Lisa Bailey encourage you to…

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