Presented by Classical Conversations®

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Everyday Educator has been turning out weekly episodes since 2015. Search the 400+ episodes of the show, or filter through by category.


Behind the Scenes of the Copper Lodge Library

Everybody enjoys knowing the “inside story” of familiar things; listen in this week and discover the behind-the-scenes workings of CC’s Copper Lodge Library.  You’ll meet the editor, find out how those footnotes were created, and get a…

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Simply Advent: Read Together

This week’s Simplify Advent podcast centers around reading together.  Listen as veteran homeschool dad and ardent reader Tim Knotts shares some great ideas for Advent family reading.  Tim and Lisa offer some great hows and whys of family…

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Reading…Together (with Brittany Lewis)

Whether your family reads together already, or you’re looking for good ideas on how to develop that habit, this episode of the Everyday Educator podcast is for you.  Listen as guest Brittany Lewis gives us some great insights on why to read…

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Life Skills for All of Us

What do you want to teach your children while you homeschool—besides reading, writing, and arithmetic?  What “life skills” are you determined to pass on—and how compatible is teaching those skills with your classical, Christian education…

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Summer Book Club #5

Looking for something fun to read (or listen to) and something fun to do after reading?  Listen as Lisa shares some reasons to read stories of all kinds with your kids; this week’s read alouds include a poem, a fable, and 2 nature stories. Lisa…

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Summer Book Club #3

Read Aloud time is not just for fiction; try some biographies, some poetry, a travel log, a bird watching guide…Reading starts conversations, and conversations lead to explorations and explorations create family memories!  This week we say,…

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Summer Book Club #1

What’s so special about reading aloud? Whether you’re looking for reasons to read aloud this summer, or just someone else to read aloud for you, this episode of the Everyday Educator podcast will deliver! Join Lisa as she shares tips on making…

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Why Are We Reading This Challenge A Literature?

Are you excited about reading?  About reading with your family?  About reading Challenge A literature?  Well, you will be after you listen to this episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast!  Find out what distinguishes a good book…

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EE Advent Read Aloud with the Sylvias

Why read aloud with your family, especially if your children are older?  Listen in this week as Heatherly Sylvia shares three solid benefits of reading aloud as a family, and offers some tips for what makes a book or story a great read aloud…

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